Wednesday, July 18, 2007

ship the new camera

I finally bit the bullet and picked up a new camera.

I wasn't really looking for anything too serious, as I don't know much about photography and really have little interest in it.

So I went for something thin, sexy, and simple to use.

I settled on a Sony. The DSC-T100It's pretty hot.

I actually spent like 3k today, but most of it was for my plane tickets. Oh, which reminds me of something I should clarify -- I'm not leaving until next month. I MIGHT however make a short weekend trip to Japan, to visit Fukuoka (I've only been to Osaka).

Poker is going OK. I'm in a bit of break even funk, but the bonuses will help. Still a slim chance at a $10k month.


1 comment:

------ said...

It's the same one I have. You'll find the comfort with which it sits in your pocket, makes it all worthwhile.
