Wednesday, November 21, 2007

unlimited power

There arn't too many places in Korea where you can find good collections of English books.

However, inside the CoEx mall (which is about an hour away from me) is the biggest book store in Korea.

So when we make the trip, me and my friends stock up on a bunch of good books, and then trade them around. I bought a bunch myself, and wanted to discuss one in particular.

I skimmed through the new release section, and picked up "Unlimited Power", by Anthony Robbins. I had always heard good things about him, and I have an interest in psychology, neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis. So I figured I'd check out his newest book.

Turns out it's not new at all. I think it was published in 1986 actually. But regardless, it has been a great read.

I would urge poker players to check it out. It basically teaches you how to run your own brain. How to 'lie' to yourself, and choose the state you wish to be in. It's a great way to eliminate tilt.

Outside of poker, one thing it helped me with immediately were my sleeping habits. I've often had trouble falling asleep, because I can't seem to 'turn my mind off'. I've always been pretty analytical, and sometimes I drive myself nuts. I remember once when I was a kid just lying in my bed, literally thinking about what to to think about. Anyways, nothing has changed.

I'll constantly be thinking about what I did that day, what I have to do tomorrow, poker, relationships, whatever. Sometimes it's really annoying because I need to sleep. Well, this book has taught me how to turn that voice off. Within minutes I'm asleep.

The applications are endless really, and its a good read for anyone interested in improving yourself, your poker game, or simply your life in general.


seymour:cards said...

isn't nlp also used as a pick technique?

looking for some extra lady love as well there main?! ;)

would love a link up if you wouldn't mind, my blog is only a few hours old but have been reading yours for a while now.

more to follow

legiorgio said...


Nice blog, I added it to this blog portal