Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Time to throw out a few 'thank you's to some random people who've helped my out with shit this week.

Bryan - Thanks for making the new header and fucking around with it until we got it right.

Dan - Thanks for your help with the computer stuff. I've been tweeking my system and the links you hooked up were a great help. It seems like I need more RAM though -- I'll check it out this weekend. If not, I'll probably bug you again soon if I end up getting a new comp. :)

Chris - For hookin me up with the XP disk and listening to me bitch most of the weekend

Hyejin - For helping me out with the chair and shieet, sometimes I don't know how I'd get anything done here without you.

I've been pretty much breakeven since I reinstalled everything. But my $4k bonus clears soon, and then a $1500 right after that. So that will make for a sweet month regardless. I'm gonna grind hard all month and hope for the best.

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