Sunday, December 16, 2007

quick update + biggest hand ever

This month has been a pain. I've been running pretty bad and breaking even for the month not including bonuses. Sucks.

Thus, no recent updates. I'm just waiting for the month/year to end and I'll re-evaluate from there. Grinding has been really annoying, especially while not making any money.

SOoOo, I took a shot at some 600NL and 1000NL and things went... well, check out the hand:

Poker Stars, $5/$10 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players - Hand History Converter

MP: $342.25
Hero (CO): $1,010
BTN: $1,105.50
SB: $990
BB: $460
UTG: $1,000

Pre-Flop: Q Q dealt to Hero (CO)

UTG raises to $35, MP folds, Hero calls $35, BTN calls $35, 2 folds

Flop: ($120) 4 Q A (3 Players)

UTG bets $75, Hero calls $75, BTN folds

Turn: ($270) J (2 Players)

UTG bets $200, Hero raises to $640, UTG raises to $890 and is All-In, Hero calls $250

River: ($2,050) 8 (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

Results: $2,050 Pot ($3 Rake)

Hero showed Q Q (three of a kind, Queens) and WON $2,047 (+$1,047 NET)

UTG showed A J (two pair, Aces and Jacks) and LOST (-$1,000 NET)

Ship my biggest pot ever. It was my 3rd hand at the table I think and I obv hit and ran. :)


Anonymous said...

wow, way to nit it up at 1k. that is a super balla line with qq.....flatcall QQ 6 handed.....hmmmmmm.


nh btw

Anonymous said...


can you tell me what software you used to graph the all-in expectation versus your real results?


the_main said...

I'm scared money, what can i say?

Still in beta mode, but works well IMO

Anonymous said...

the_main, thanks.

Do you use any chat? Fancy chatting sometime over online cash games. I play the same stakes but on Fulltilt as my main so it be good to discuss strategy etc help each other improve.

the_main said...

not a problem

I'm always around the 2+2 full ring forum talking strat and whatnot if you need to get at me.